and my lovely mother, 'Nana'.

We spent most of our time visiting but I did make a quick trip to Ikea, to pick up these nifty spice racks for my pantry...

It was nice to have some city time, but I was quite happy to be home...yes, it really feels like home already. It is so lovely and quiet and peaceful, compared to the congestion and general 'in your face' of the big city.
The girls started swimming lessons this week at beautiful Horsefly Lake Provincial Park...

It has been a little rainy, and quite chilly, but it hasn't stopped them...

and they have been enjoying meeting some of the local children and I have enjoyed meeting some other moms. Generally, everyone knows each other around here, so we kind of stick out wherever we go. It happens fairly often but I still find it surprising when someone says...oh Hi, are you new here? How did they know?? I find it quite delightful that people are so interested in us and have no qualms about introducing themselves. I guess it is one of the many benefits of living in a small town.